Available August 2
Having grown up in a community of strong women, Maya Elizabeth wrote Sister Song to amplify women’s voices. In a world wrought with debilitating comparison and unhealthy competition, this song is about empowering, uniting and protecting all sisters.
This soulful, r&b/alternative rock anthem is Maya’s love letter to the circle that affirmed, supported and shaped her. That love now extends to sisters worldwide. When you hear the undeniably catchy hook, you’ll feel a fiery sense of confidence and power stir up. Especially if you identify as a woman, this song will make you say to yourself, "I can be who I am, authentically. I can say what I need to say, boldly! I can accomplish all the things I set out to do and make a remarkable impact. No opposition can stop me, and I know my sisters stand beside me. I am a force and I am not alone!"
Now is your chance to join the movement. Follow her at @mayaelizabethmusic on Instagram + TikTok. #mayaelizabethmusic #sistersong #weareallsisters

